Websydian v6.1 online documentationOnline documentation - WebsydianExpress v3.5


Scoped name


Note that this abstract function is placed in the WSYEXTJS model.


This is an abstract PageGenerator that can be used if you want to have a page that shows detail information about a record outside a WebEditSuite. This page is designed for use in the Ext JS for WebsydianExpress framework.

The PageGenerator includes a Cancel EventHandler:


You must start by creating a function that inherits from ExtWebViewPage:

Source Object Verb Target Object
MyViewPage is a FNC WSYEXTJS/ExtWebViewPage

Then you must specify the entity to show records for by replacing the UiBasic.Detail view with your Fetch view

Source Object Verb Target Object
MyViewPage replaces VW

...by VW



Finally, you must enter calls to a PageGenerator in the Cancel EventHandler.

Special considerations

In many cases, you will get the view page as part of a WebEditSuite - either by inheriting from ExtWebEditDialog or from ExtWebEditSuite.

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